What is Bobcat Block?
"Advisory" at Bacon Academy is called Bobcat Block. It's a simpler, more meaningful experience for both staff and students that improves upon the old homeroom/advisory models.
Our Bobcat Block program meets every full day on Friday for most of the school year. Fridays are made up of whole school initiatives/activities, Bobcat Block sessions, and Den Days. They are 30 minutes in length.
Bobcat Block is an opportunity to interact with students in a non-academic setting about a passion or interest of their choice. Bacon Academy faculty offers a diverse group of sessions for students. Students either attend an assembly or participate in their assigned Bobcat Block on these days. Bobcat Block allows students and staff social engagement while building relationships within our school community that they may never otherwise have the opportunity to do.
Den Days
Den Days are a mix of grades 9 - 12 in a "traditional" Advisory setting with 10 - 15 students in each Den. We use Den Days for First Day Orientation, to confirm Bobcat Block choices, etc. Bacon Academy Teachers, School Counselors, and Instructional Coachesvacilitate Den activities.
Whole School Initiatives
Whole School Initiatives may be run by different school groups (BAM, StuCo, NHS, etc.). Some examples are Pep Rallies, Class Meetings, and School Beautification.